Kot Addu Banks Contact Numbers | Phone Number

Kot Addu Banks Contact Number Detail is available here. Use the area code before the number if you are dialing from a mobile number. If you are Calling on Kot Addu Bank Numbers from PTCL or any Landline number, you don’t have to use 066, and if you are calling from another city instead of Kot Addu use area Code 066

Example: Mobile Phone (066)2242952

Landline Local 2242952

Landline (066)2242952

Bank NameContact Number
Allied Bank (ABL) Kot Addu(066)2242951
Bank of Punjab (BOP) Kot Addu(066)2242521
Habib Bank Limited (HBL) Kot Addu(066)2242922
United Bank (UBL) Kot Addu (066)2242952
United Bank Ltd (UBL) Sanawan(066)2250002
Habib Bank Limited (HBL) Kapco(066)2242975
National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) Kot Addu(066)2242548
Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) Kot Addu(066)2242436
Zarai Tarqiati Bank (ZTBL) Kot Addu(066)2242934
Meezan Bank Kot Addu (066)2240336

Meezan Bank Toll Free Number

Meezan Bank helpline provides a toll-free number for its customers to call and inquire about their accounts or products 24/7. The bank has been operational for over 19 years and is Pakistan’s first and largest Islamic bank. Since its inception, Meezan Bank has strived to provide Shariah-compliant banking solutions to people across the country. The bank has a wide range of products and services, which include personal banking, business banking, corporate banking, Islamic banking, and treasury services.

+92 (21) 111-331-331 & +92 (21) 111-331-332.

Meezan Helpline

Allied Bank Toll-Free Number

Allied Bank has a customer helpline number that provides assistance to customers with questions about their accounts. The helpline is available 24/7. Customers can call the helpline to speak to a customer service representative who can help with account questions, make changes to an account, or provide general information about Allied Bank products and services.

Toll-Free Number

Bank of Punjab Toll-Free Number


Bank of Punjab has very efficient and helpful customer service that can be accessed by calling their toll-free number This bank is one of the most trusted names in the banking industry of Pakistan and offers a wide range of services to its customers. The customer service representatives are always available to help with any inquiry or problem that you may have. They are extremely helpful and will go out of their way to ensure you are satisfied with their service. I have never had any problems with this bank and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good banking experience.

Bank of Punjab Toll-Free Number

111 – 267 – 200

Habiba Bank Limited Toll-Free Number

If you are a customer of Habib Bank Limited and need assistance, you can contact the Habib Bank Limited Helpline for support. The Habib Bank Limited Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help with any questions or issues you may have. Simply call the number and an agent will be happy to assist you.

Toll-Free Number

(021) 111 111 425

United Bank Limited Toll-Free Number

UBL Bank has a wide range of products and services on offer for its customers. The bank has a customer care helpline number which is available 24/7 to address queries and resolve issues faced by customers. The UBL helpline number is +9221-111-825-888 (within Pakistan). Customers can also reach out to the bank through its social media channels or by visiting any of its branches.

National Bank Helpline Number

The National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) has set up a helpline to provide assistance and guidance to customers regarding the bank’s products and services. The helpline is operational 24/7

National Bank of Pakistan Helpline Number

(021) 111 627 627

Muslim Commercial Bank Helpline

The Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) has announced a new helpline for customers in need of financial assistance. The helpline will be staffed by qualified MCB representatives who can provide advice and support to customers struggling with their finances. This is a welcome development for many Muslims who are reluctant to seek help from conventional banks due to their religious beliefs. The MCB has a strong reputation for being a responsible and ethical institution, and this helpline will further cement its position as a leading provider of financial services for the Muslim community.

MCB Helpline Number

021 110 00622

Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited Helpline

The Zarai Taraqiati Bank is a Pakistani bank that offers banking and financial services to its customers. The bank has a helpline number that can be used by customers to get in touch with the bank’s customer service representatives. The helpline number is +92-21-111-122-123. The customer service representatives of the bank are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help customers with their banking needs.

For Complaints all over Pakistan

Toll-Free Number

0800 14001